Hallamulla Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type location is in Hallamulla village in the Lidder valley. [Original Publication: Srikantia, S.V., Bhargava, O.N. 1983. Geology of the Palaeozoic sequence of the Kashmir Tethys Himalaya in the Lidder Valley. Journal Geological Society of India, 24 (7): 363-377.]
Synonyms: Rishkobal A of Srikantia and Bhargava, 1983; Margan Shale Fm of Shah, 1972.
Lithology and Thickness
Glacial till and Sandstone. 300-400 m thick and commences with purple red, largely matrix-supported diamictites having flattened/stretched pebbles and cobbles of shale and siltstone. A purple conglomerate and sandstone resting above the Cambrian and below the Muth Fm Quartzite, recorded by Wadia (1935) in Gabdori ravines, west of Shams Abari, also belong to the Hallamulla Formation. It is succeeded by gray, purple shale/ slate, cross-bedded quartz arenite and sporadic conglomerate lenses. Towards upper part, the quartz arenite becomes gray brown to rusty brown.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Overlies the Rangmal Fm along an angular unconformity.
Upper contact
Conformably overlain by the Gugaldhar Fm.
Crinoid fragments, Orthis marhaumensis, O. cf. O. calligramma, O. (Nicola) sp. and Leptelloidea (?) sp.
Depositional setting
The deposition of the Halamulla Formation commenced along a beach and mainly remained in sandy tidal flat of a rough sea. Towards the terminal part the sedimentation seems to have taken place in inter-tidal environment.
Additional Information